C Walk – Rainow to Lamaload

Here are the details for my Sunday walk from Rainow to Lamaload Reservoir. 7 mile Moderate, meeting at 9.45 for a 10am start. We will start near the Robin Hood Inn at Rainow, going into Rainow village and across the Infinity stone path trail towards Rainowlow and then take the trail along Oakenbank and around […]

C Walk – Holcombe Hill

Here are the details of my walk for Sunday at Holcombe Hill.This is a 7 mile walk up to Bull Hill trig point then coming down through Holcombe Moor passing Pilgrims Cross. Then over and down Harcles Hill and down to Peel Tower. From there we will make our way down and through Radisher Wood […]

C Walk – Hayfield

Moderate 61/2 mile walk from Hayfield. The walk starts from the bus station at Hayfield. We will meet by the toilets at 10.05 to start at 10.15. There are some ups and downs but nothing strenuous. We will be crossing 3 stiles. The walk is on lanes, farm tracks and across fields which are very […]